

What is a “Children of Men” Moment?  

If you are familiar with the book by P.D. James you probably already have an idea of what a “Children of Men” moment is.  

For those unfamiliar I will explain.  

The book is about a dystopian future in which people are no longer having children due to a worldwide genetic malfunction.  Because the motherly instincts are so strong, many women have resorted to mothering dolls or pets.  They buy expensive, designer dolls which they push around in carriages in public, or dress their pets up in clothes and even have them baptized.  In this day and age with birth control and many women putting off marriage and children or foregoing them altogether many have resorted to babying their pets to satisfy their nurturing instincts.  I have yet to witness adults with baby dolls but I have heard of it.  

Whenever I see someone or even society treating pets as if they were children I call that a “Children of Men” moment.  If the use of baby dolls becomes more widespread I would include that as well.

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